Hi 👋🏽, I am a software engineer working in JavaScript ecosystem. I write about all sort of problems I face!

Making of a Simple Blog in a Complicated Way

January 02, 2022


Remix or Next.js? Or Hugo, maybe? 🧐

It's hard to acknowledge it in public but it took me an entire day to finalize the tools required to create this blog. My initial thought was to use remix.run because of all the hype on Twitter but Next.js was also appealing because I am well acquainted with it already. Once I gave it some more thought, I wanted to make hugo work because I am fascinated by Golang and not to mention hugo says it's the world's fastest 🥳.

During my test drive with different tools it occurred to me that I wanted my blog to have the look and feel of solarized code themes. I love the research behind the color combinations it has. Of course, being this mindful of the color combinations meant I would be spending a lot of time on custom theming. And this certainly added more complexity to the decisions I eventually took! (will get to that later though)

Coming back to Hugo, I spent significant untracked time in selecting a perfect template from the huge library (just to give it a try 😅). Next, I cloned the template, ran the server, fidgeted with the code and realized, I was trying to hit a dart board with an AK47 😂. How's that? Hugo seemed pretty complex because of all the features it had for full blown websites and I didn't have sufficient understanding of hugo's working. It's template workings and configurations could take me days to build what I intended to.

With a heavy heart I rejected hugo. Believe me, I still question myself on it - cheesy taglines can indeed be very difficult to ignore.

So, no Hugo! Sounds simple. Or, is it?

Okay, one less thing to worry about. Next, I only had to decide between Remix.run and Next.js. I browsed Remix's examples folder, cloned the blog starter and realized it was pretty basic and intended for tutorial purposes. Shoot, this meant I will have to integrate the whole hoopla for MDX, code highlighting, and tailwind myself. Remix still sounded an attractive option because of the thoughts of adding more blog features in future which could fancy the Remix's bells and whistles.

But wait! What's MDX and how did it fit into my gameplan?

Writing html css for each post seemed too much considering I planned on writing often ✌🏽 so writing in markdown seemed like an attractive option. A quick research told me MDX is an advanced version of markdown and that it can use jsx tags which sounded useful and cool being a React developer. However, to use these, I would have to integrate mdx, some tool ending with *matter suffix to parse the frontmatter(sort of metadata and preface) stuff.

Coming back to Remix, I quickly did a github search to see if anybody else created a blog having all the bells and whistles that I could reuse. I couldn't find any attractive option for Remix since its fairly young and the ecosystem is still maturing. It was hard to keep my hands off Remix.run but i managed to convince myself that end goal is to write blogposts and not to lose my way in the tooling and configurations.

With heavy heart, I finally managed to discard remix.run for Next.js. I will definitely try Remix for some other project though. Who knows I might port this blog in future 😉.

Next stop, Next.js! - let's get it over with

It must be easy and quick now since Next.js is the only option. Or so I thought! I checked examples folder on Next.js github. Basic blog starter template with typescript seemed like a good option. It was a good starting point until i found it's missing the code highlighting setup. No worries. Let's quickly check the web how to do it in 5 minutes.

Prism, highlight.js, enlighter.js, so many options like always. Which one to use 🤯? Which one is perfect and could allow me to customize the theme with solarized dark colors? 🤔

Being reasonably unreasonable

Hold on! Learning a syntax highlighter and its API isn't the endgame. I needed to focus on the bigger picture and start writing the blog. After all, it's not a tool learning fiesta. If I could reuse something off the shelf, life would become much easier.

A quick search of "next.js blog templates" on github gave me some really cool options. Okay, but first I needed to come up with a shortlisting criteria. A good start would be to identify the tooling i need i.e typescript, mdx, code highlighting and theme customization, tailwind css. Moreover, it would be major help if it's still somehow simple without the features I don't need. I thought these were reasonable expectations and I would totally find something.

In a perfect world, I could conjure up the template! But in the real world, every template was missing something from my reasonable list. Either they had extra features which seemed hard to cleanup, a missing tool, or they simply had outdated dependencies which could take quite some time to update.

Anyways, after trying out a few templates, I settled with this one since it resonated with my tech stack and the dependencies weren't too outdated either. I would only have to update a few dependencies, remove the next-themes and date-fns package and clean up the code a tad. These packages seemed unreasonable for my lean requirements. Tailwind on the other hand is a different story and seemed pretty useful on its own. Above all, it had good code highlighting setup using mdx-prism and it included the explicit setup of css classes to override the styles for sepcific code elements.

Let the games begin

I rolled up my sleeves to fix the stuff and customize the theme. I quickly ran into some issues due to dependencies upgrade and I just had to upgrade them once I knew newer versions are available 😢.

Once I started thinking about how to map solarized color scheme to different blog elements, adapting to the theme seemed like a daunting task. I had to try different color combinations from the palette to find out which ones work the best and where. I use solarized theme as my code editor theme day in day out so a little bit of instinct was helpful and, thankfully, I also found a couple of sites using the solarized theme to help me further refine the mapping of the palette colors.

After another weekend of procrastinating and fixing the UI, I had an initial version of blog ready. And finally, on a blessed Monday night I started writing this blog post whilst worrying about the topic for next post!


I wasn't worried about deployments because I knew that something from Vercel, Netlify or Github pages should easily work for my needs. In the end, it was a simple decision to go with Vercel because I was already using Next.js. Deployment was very easy and the continuous deployment integration with the github repo worked out of the box. I loved the overall experience. Only complication that needed google search was to setup "A" and "CNAME" records for my domain name but that didn't have anything to do with Vercel.

Imperfections I am okay living with

A list of things that I am okay leaving for another day:

  1. I don't understand how mdx, greymatter and mdx-prism, actually work in conjunction to generate html css out of mdx files.
  2. I don't understand the power of mdx and where it will shine.
  3. I didn't get to use Remix or Hugo for this blog.
  4. I need to review the code for this blog and improve any kinks.
  5. I need to either fix the dark mode theme and add the feature or remove the dangling darkmode classes which aren't being used.
  6. And there are a few more...

PS The intention was to share the thought-process that worked(or not) for me and not writing a post bragging about how I created the coolest blog ever.

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